© 2010 Jerry Emanuelson The Life Extension Manual
Information sources and nutritional supplement suppliers: The resources listed here are those personally selected by Jerry Emanuelson. We do not "trade links" with other sites, although Futurescience does have an affiliate relationship with the Life Extension Foundation, which has long been an organization recommended by Jerry Emanuelson, who has been a member of the Life Extension Foundation since just after its inception nearly thirty years ago. Futurescience also has affiliate relationships with a few other carefully selected organizations.
The Life Extension Foundation
An important subscription-based web site is Consumer Lab. This site has test data on the purity and potency of nutritional supplements. For anyone who spends very much money on nutritional supplements, the annual subscription fee is well worthwhile to make sure that you know what you really are buying. By now, most people know that millions of people have been found to be deficient in vitamin D. Most people need to take 3,000 to 7,000 units of vitamin D3 per day, but there is no way to know the amount that you need without blood chemistry tests. Vitamin D is actually a hormone, and for that reason it probably should be taken daily, and without any changes in daily intake that are too abrupt. For lots of additional information on vitamin D, see the Vitamin D Council web site. American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) holds very informative conferences on anti-aging medicine intended for medical professionals, but open to everyone. The major annual conference is held during the second week of December in Las Vegas, Nevada. They hold other conferences at other times in cities around the world. Access to Medline for searching major medical journals is available online from the National Library of Medicine. Searching through millions of medical journal articles is fast and easy. Abstracts are available online for most of the articles, and the service is free. Highly recommended. Everyone should learn to use this valuable tool. Dr. Cranton's web site has a considerable amount of information on subjects related to life extension. The American College of Advancement in Medicine is an organization of innovative physicians which maintains an informative Web site. The Web site has information on how to obtain a list of member physicians. ACAM members are generally excellent physicians for providing medical supervision for your life extension program. ACAM is an especially important source of information about chelation therapy with EDTA. Most people have a difficult time finding a physician to supervise their personal life extension and preventive medicine program. This does take some effort, but I have never had much difficulty in this area. Finding a good physician is a skill that must be developed, though. Unfortunately, it is a difficult skill to teach. Organizations mentioned on this page, including the Life Extension Foundation, the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and the American College of Advancement in Medicine, all have lists of physicians that are good starting points for your search for a good physician. Some of the physicians with the most knowledge about life extension are not the best doctors to have as your personal physician. I hear many complaints about some of the rather well-known physicians in the preventive medicine profession who charge very high fees and spent very little time with their patients. The best physicians are often those who are not affiliated with any medical insurance companies. Most doctors spend a lot of their time arguing with insurance clerks, and most patients let medical insurance companies run their lives. I'll give two examples of doctors that I have found to be particularly good. One is Dr. George Juetersonke. Dr. Juetersonke specializes in third-line medicine and preventive medicine. Third-line medicine is what is practiced by doctors who offer services to patients with conditions that neither the (first-line) general practitioner nor the (second-line) specialist have been able to solve. Dr. Juetersonke was also an Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine at a time when many medical schools were not even offering courses in preventive medicine. He still occasionally trains new physicians in his medical practice. Dr. Juetersonke is more knowledgeable in hormone replacement than most endocrinologists. He offers bio-identical hormone replacement for most types of age-related decline. (He does not offer growth hormone replacement due to all of the legal complications.) Another excellent doctor for life extension and preventive medicine is Dr. Fred Grover in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Grover has a comprehensive web site that describes many of the services that he offers. Information on developments in nanotechnology: General Information on the farther reaches of life extension, smart pills, nanotechnology, space settlements and futurism is available from The Extropy Institute
Lots of information about genomics and new discoveries in DNA science can be found in the SNPedia. A number of hard-to-find medical supplies can be found at Medex Supply: Medex has supplies such as pulse oximeters, which are very useful if you or someone in your household, or an elderly relative who lives nearby, happens to have a breathing disorder such as emphysema. A pulse oximeter can help you decide exactly when to call for emergency medical help and save precious minutes of indecision that comes from not having the necessary information. Medex also has a number of glucose meters, which should be used occasionally by most people, even if they are not diabetic or pre-diabetic. They also have a wide variety of other medical supplies and medical devices. For an excellent introduction to genomics and tutorials on the basics of how DNA works, see the excellent Learn Genetics site from the University of Utah, which was named by Science magazine as the best science education site of the year. Information about cryonics is available from:
Alcor Foundation
(602) 922-9013 or (800) 367-2228 A wide range of nutritional supplements appropriate to those practicing life extension techniques are available from: Vitamin Research Products, Inc. Phone: (800) 877-2447 Another company selling many products designed by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw:
Life Enhancement Products Phone: (800) 543-3873 Life Enhancement Products offers a free newsletter called Life Enhancement News. Although the newsletter is oriented directly to information about their products, the information is generic and generally very accurate scientifically (although I disagree with their advocacy of oral chelation, a technique that must be used with great caution and that is clearly inferior to intravenous chelation). Anyone who orders anti-aging drugs from other countries may want to check out the FDA import detention list. It is interesting to see what the FDA is detaining and what excuses they come up with for their confiscations. Some truly ancient drugs (such as dilantin) are confiscated on the basis that they are new drugs without the necessary paperwork for a new drug. Well over 90 percent of all orders still make it through without any problem. Anyone with needle phobia should visit The Needle Phobia Page. Needle phobia is a major unrecognized problem in medicine, especially preventive medicine. Avoidance of medical care due to needle phobia is a major cause of human suffering and death. RECOMMENDED BOOKS
Don't be put off by titles that use hyped-up title words like miracle, revolution or magic. These titles are chosen by marketing people at the publisher, often over the objections of the authors. Terry Grossman, Ph.D. The Baby Boomers' Guide to Living Forever. (Hubristic Press. 2000) [An excellent book on all aspects of life extension. The book does a good job of explaining why it is so important to start a life extension program right now. Dying a year too soon could cost you decades or centuries of healthy life.] Barry Sears, Ph.D. The Anti-Aging Zone. (Harper Collins. 1998.) [Even if you don't agree with Dr. Sears about the importance of eicosanoids, this is an excellent book on nutrition.] Craig Cooney, Ph.D. and Bill Lawren. Methyl Magic. (Andrews McMell Publishing. 1999) [This is an excellent book about methylation, a very important factor in health and anti-aging medicine.] Elmer Cranton, M.D. Resetting the Clock: 5 Anti-Aging Hormones That Are Revolutionizing the Quality and Length of Life. (M. Evans and Co. 1997) [One of very few books that I can recommend without reservation.] Jennie Brand Miller. The Glucose Revolution : The Authoritative Guide to the Glycemic Index-The Groundbreaking Medical Discovery (Marlowe & Co. 1999) [A good book on the glycemic index, but not on other aspects of nutrition.] Ward Dean, M.D. and John Morgenthaler, Smart Drugs and Nutrients. (B and J Publications, P.O. Box 483, Santa Cruz, CA 95061.) (1990) Ward Dean, M.D., John Morgenthaler, and Steven Wm. Fowkes,
Smart Drugs II. (Health Freedom Publications, P.O. Box 2515, Menlo Park,
CA 94026.) (1993) Alastair Dow. Deprenyl: The Anti-Aging Drug. (Hallberg Publishing
Corp., Delavan, WI 53115.) (1993) (Recently, this book went out-of-print.) K. Eric Drexler. Engines of Creation. (Anchor Press/Doubleday.
1986) Michael Fossel, Ph.D., M.D. Reversing Human Aging. (William Morrow. 1996) [An excellent book on the possibilities of reversing aging through telomere therapy.] Dr. Ronald Klatz with Carol Kahn. Grow Young with HGH (Harper Collins. 1997) John A. Mann. Secrets of Life Extension. (And/Or Press.
1980) (Out of print.) Ross Pelton. Mind Food and Smart Pills. (Doubleday.
1989) Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw. Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach. (Warner Books. 1982) Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw. The Life Extension Companion. (Warner Books. 1984) [Out of Print.] Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw. The Life Extension Weight Loss Program. (Doubleday. 1987) [Out of print, and very hard to find, but well worth the effort to find a copy.] Beverly A. Potter and Sebastian Orfali. Brain Boosters: Foods and Drugs That Make You Smarter. (Ronin Publishing. 1993) William Regelson, M.D. and Carol Colman. The Superhormone Promise. (Simon & Schuster. 1996) [An excellent book on general hormone replacement by a pioneering researcher in the field.] Julian Whitaker, M.D. Dr. Whitaker's Guide to Natural Hormone Replacement (Phillips Publishing, 7811 Montrose Road, Potomac, MD 20854. Phone (800) 705-5559 [This is a 68-page booklet for $19.95, but it contains very important information that makes it well worth the price.] Jonathan Wright, M.D. and John Mergenthaler.Natural Hormone Replacement for Women over 45 (Publisher: Smart Publications, P.O. Box 4667, Petaluma, CA 94955) (Published in 1997.) Jonathan Wright, M.D. and Lane Lenard, Ph.D. Maximize Your Vitality and Potency for Men over 40. (Publisher: Smart Publications, P.O. Box 4667, Petaluma, CA 94955) (Published in 1999.) [You'd never know it from its cumbersome title, but this is an excellent book about testosterone replacement therapy.] Marla Ahlgrimm and John M. Kells. The HRT Solution. (Avery. 1999) [An excellent book on hormone replacement therapy for women.] Misc. Supplementary Reading K. Eric Drexler. Nanosystems. (John Wiley. 1992) [Very technical.] Ed Regis, Nano the emerging science of nanotechnology: remaking the world -- molecule by molecule. (Little, Brown. 1995) Roy Walford, M.D. The 120 Year Diet. (Simon and Schuster.
1986) Roy Walford, M.D. Maximum Life Span. (W.W. Norton.
1983) Ward Dean, M.D., Biological Aging Measurements: Clinical Applications. (Center for Bio-Gerontology, Los Angeles. 1988)
[This is a technical book for medical professionals.] Dr. Ronald Klatz and Dr. Robert Goldman. Stopping the Clock. (Keats Publishing. 1996) Ross Pelton, Ph.D., Taffy Clarke Pelton & Venton C. Vint, M.D.
How to Prevent Breast Cancer. (Simon & Schuster. 1995) Walter Pierpaoli, M.D. and William Regelson, M.D. The Melatonin Miracle. (Simon and Schuster. 1995)
Russel J. Reiter, Ph.D. and Jo Robinson. Melatonin: Your Body's Natural Wonder Drug.(Bantam. 1995) Ray Sahelian, M.D., DHEA: A Practical Guide (Avery Publishing Group. 1996) Ray Sahelian, M.D., Melatonin: Nature's Sleeping Pill.
(Be Happier Press. 1995) Ray Sahelian, M.D., Pregnenolone: Nature's Feel Good Hormone. (Melatonin/DHEA Research Institute, P.O. Box 12619, Marina Del Rey, CA 90295) (1996) John Morganthaler and Dan Joy. Better Sex through Chemistry.
(Smart Publications. 1995) Sheldon Saul Hendler, M.D., The Doctors' Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia. (Simon & Schuster. 1990) Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D., Tired All the Time. (Pocket Books-Simon & Schuster. 1993) Wesley M. DuCharme, Ph.D. Becoming Immortal. (Blue Creek Ventures, P.O. Box 3266, Evergreen, CO 80439.) (1995) |